Unimax Bingo Paper
The Complete Bingo Solution
The Unimax Bingo paper is the complete Bingo Solution! This Bingo Paper has ONE serial number per set. This makes tracking serial numbers a breeze, as well as eliminates illegal paper and missed revenue. The Unimax Bingo Paper utilizes the AUDITRACK™ SYSTEM. This means booklets are consecutively numbered which allows for quick and accurate sales tracking. The paper also takes advantage of series identification symbols. This allows each series to be identified with unique symbols in the “O” of bingo for easier identification by staff. The Unimax Bingo paper is a machine collated product, which reduces manufacturing errors such as torn sheets, missing pages, and wrong colours. The Bingo Paper is made without wax sheets, so they eliminate waste. Additionally, the secondary free space on the paper makes verification easy! On top of all of this, the Unimax Bingo Paper also offers short turn arounds, they have the most popular cuts in a given series, so they can ship right away from stock, less common cuts and series still have a shorter lead time than a custom collated product, and there’s no minimum order for standard product!