Ice Cream
Ice Cream
Bazaar & Novelty Thunder Bay has been a leading ice cream supplier in the city for many years. From offering top of the line Carpigani Ice Cream machines to top quality ingredients and supplies we have all your ice cream needs covered. To find out more about what we offer please see below.

Our Carpigani equipment is the best of the best on the market. With a smart computer built into the machine, it can provide you with a wealth of information thus enabling you to serve the best ice cream.
Ice Cream Cones/Ice Cream Mix/Cone Dips
We have a wide selection of both regular flat ice cream cones with or without a jacket as well as a selection of waffle cones. If you need a cone for ice cream in Thunder Bay we have it! We offer a shelf stable premium vanilla soft serve mix from Arctic Mist which is a great cost effective way to have ice cream in your establishment. On top of that we have a variety of cone dips to add some flair to your soft ice cream.
Twister Program/Wadden 24 Flavour Program
A great way to offer something unique at your location. Our Twister program allows you to mix together premium soft serve ice cream with a variety of candies to make a unique and delicious treat!
Ice Cream Accessories
Along with all our edible products for ice cream, we also carry a large range of bowls, cups, spoons, straws and more! Everything you need to run a succesful ice cream location can be found in one spot, our store!